Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Spinach Chicken Heaven

I just ate the most delicious meal!! Went directly here so that I could document it, because, hot damn! That spinach, that chicken... and it's healthy.

You start by making the spinach, which serves as a base to the chicken when plating. Then cook the chicken in the same pan while baking the spinach. Easy, about 20 minutes to make.

The important thing about this recipe is to keep the pan relatively dry throughout. Add stock VERY SLOWLY, only a tablespoonish at a time. The pan should appear to be pretty dry thoughout, but don't be afraid to add more stock in. Just do it slowly and in small amounts!!

Serves 6
1 pounds spinach (the more the better - I'm always disappointed when my HUGE pile wilts down to nothing)
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
Salt and pepper
1 ablespoons flour
  1/3cup stock
1/4 cup grated Swiss cheese (or a like cheese)
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs

Preheat oven to 375.

In a large pan, heat a few tablespoons of water and spinach for 4ish minutes until it wilts. Then transfer to a bowl of cold water to halt the cooking. Wring out the spinach to get rid of as much water as possible (watch it disappear before your eyes! sad times)

In the same pan, melt the butter. Add the spinach back in, heat for 2 minutes. Add broccoli if you'd like. Add in the flour and stir, heat for another few minutes. Keep stirring throughout the keep the spinach from sticking to the pan. SLOWLY add the stock. SLOWLY. Keep the pan pretty dry! Heat for 3-4 minutes.

Remove the pan from heat. Pam an appropriate sized pan. Mix in half of the cheese into the spinach, pour into pan. Mix remaining cheese and breadcrumbs (...pour in at the same time...) to the stop of the spinach.

Bake at 375 for 15 minutes, until bubbly.

Then cook chicken in the same pan, adding general chicken seasonings. Add olive oil at the beginning, then SLOWLY add stock, but don't drown the chicken. Only add small amounts. Scrap up seasonings/scraps at the bottom of the pan.

BAM! So good! How is this so good?? I literally ate bites and exclaimed "OH MY GOSH." If I didn't cook up all my spinach tonight, I'd make it again tomorrow.

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